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Mrs. Diane Philbin » Welcome!


This week the children had a tour of our school; they met their music teacher Mrs. Gaul as well as their gym teacher Mr. B.  They worked together to create a list of "do's and don'ts" for our class.  They heard the story of Chester the Racoon (The Kissing Hand )who had his first day at school and feeling a bit unsure. 
We talked about our family's and made a family tree with everyone in their family.  We will continue our focus on families, not just the one's we go home to everyday, but the new family we have here at St. Norbert Preschool. 
The children have completed their first week of school and I am amazed at the progress they have all made thus far!  The tears are beginning to subside, the familiarity of the room as well as the teachers has started; and again it's only the first week!!
I am looking forward to a fun year with you and your child!